Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Wednesday Forecast

Batman Year 100 #4 (DC Comics)– despite the underwhelming story, and the sometimes frighteningly mangled poses Batman seems to contort himself into, there is still something so visually pleasing about this book, that I have kept buying it. Chewing gum for the eyeballs, as my father used to say.

Fell #5 (DC Comics)– – Like most, I’ve been enjoying this new series, though I think it's more popular than it deserves to be. While not a new concept by any stretch, the "one and done" format makes for a satisfying read each month without having to remember huge volumes of backstory. And once again, Warren Ellis benefits from working with the best illustrators in the industry. I’m not saying it’s bad; it's not. I just think our standards have dropped a little if we really think Fell is one of the best books of the year.

DMZ #7 (DC Comics)– – you know, I’m not really sure why I keep buying this book. I guess partly I just love seeing New York City reimagined as a war torn wasteland. Maybe it’s the kid in me longing for the thrill of the old Kurt Russell classic, Escape from New York. The story's not bad, but I feel like Brian Wood hasn’t really fleshed out a real plot yet, and certainly he hasn’t made clear exactly what this war is about, and which side is which. The art, as with most Vertigo titles these days, is capable, with flashes of brilliance, but really leaves an overall impression of mediocrity. I’m sticking with it though, as #6 started out better than any of the previous issues since the book began.

Wonderland #1 (Amaze Ink/Slave Labor) – I have no idea what this book is about (besides the obvious Alice in Wonderland parallel) but it looks interesting enough to give it a flip-through. Sonny Liew’s Malinky Robot was a beautiful-looking book, with interesting character designs and unique camera angles, so if he can apply that same level of quality toward a halfway decent story, this book could be worth keeping an eye on.

Castle Waiting HC (Fantagraphics) – I’m definitely getting this. Linda Medley’s fairy tale, which began with the self-published one shot, The Curse of Brambley Hedge, is one of the lost classics from the nineties, and it’s great that not only has she finally finished the story, but it’s being presented in the upscale format that will appeal to bookstore fans as well as comics nerds. I met Linda way back when at the Heroes Con in Charlotte, this must have been about ’96 or ’97, and to this day, she left a lasting impression as one of the friendliest creators I’ve ever met.

Supermarket #1 and 2 (2nd prints) (IDW Publishing) – living in NYC, I have the advantage of rarely missing out on a new book, but if you missed this the first time around, I highly recommend it. One of the best new series of the year, and Kristian’s art is absolutely stunning.

Warfix HC (NBM) – I just got a preview copy of this, and it looks very good. Very intense! I’ll have a review in the next week or two over at Comic Book Galaxy.

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